Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Golf In the Heat - Hey, It's 100 Degrees

Golf is so popular simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad.

 ~A.A. Milne

Gotta be past 60 to enjoy golf when it is 100 degrees out, seems like everything works better when it is warm. Have to tell myself to face the target (turn) in my swing, warm weather helps.

Seems as I get older I have had to narrow my stance, too wide restricts the chance for the hips to help you finish the swing.

Best thing about playing golf past 60 – I never feel bad about riding, no walking for me, well maybe if it’s flat and I play just 9, and it’s not too long. Oh-forget it I am gonna ride.

Enjoy the Fourth-and be safe.

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